Monday, November 25, 2013

English Has a New Preposition?

English Has a New Preposition? the english camp
I found this Post on with original title: “English Has a New Preposition, Because Internet” written by Megan Garber on Nov 19 2013.

"Linguists are recognizing the delightful evolution of the word "because." 

Let's start with the dull stuff, because pragmatism.
The word "because," in standard English usage, is a subordinating conjunction, which means that it connects two parts of a sentence in which one (the subordinate) explains the other. In that capacity, "because" has two distinct forms. It can be followed either by a finite clause (I'm reading this because [I saw it on the web]) or by a prepositional phrase (I'm reading this because [of the web]). These two forms are, traditionally, the only ones to which "because" lends itself.
I mention all that ... because language. Because evolution. Because there is another way to use “because”. Linguists are calling it the "prepositional-because." Or the "because-noun."
You probably know it better, however, as explanation by way of Internet—explanation that maximizes efficiency and irony in equal measure. I'm late because YouTube. You're reading this because procrastination. As the language writer Stan Carey delightfully sums it up: " 'Because' has become a preposition, because grammar." 

Indeed. So we get uses like this, from Wonkette
Well here is a nice young man, Fred E. Ray Smith, running for Oklahoma state Senate, from jail, where he was taken for warrants and drunk driving and driving without a license or registration, and also he owes so much child support and his ex has a protective order out against him. We assume he is going to win, because “R-Oklahoma.”

And like this, from the Daily Kos:
 If due north was good enough for that chicken's parents and grandparents and great-great-great-great-grandparents, it's good enough for that chicken too, damn it. But Iowa still wants to sell eggs to California, because money.

And like this, from Lindy West and Jezebel:
Did you hear the big news? Men are going extinct. Really really slowly, and probably only in theory, but extinct nonetheless! [...]
Lame! RIP, dudes! Now, I'm sure kneejerk anti-feminist dickwads think that the eradication of men is exactly what we women mean by "plz can we have equal rights now thx." Because logic.

It's a usage, in other words, that is exceptionally bloggy and aggressively casual and implicitly ironic. And also highly adaptable. Carey has unearthed instances of the "because-noun" construction with the noun in question being, among other terms, "sciencemathpeopleartreasonscomedybaconineptitudefun,patriarchypoliticsschoolintersectionality, and winner." (Intersectionality! Because THEORY. Bacon! Because BACON.)
But the formulation isn't simply limited to nouns. Carey again:
The construction is more versatile than “because+noun” suggests. Prepositional because can be yoked to verbs (Can’t talk now because cooking), adjectives (making up examples because lazy), interjections (Because yay!), and maybe adverbs too, though in strings like Because honestly., the adverb is functioning more as an exclamation. The resulting phrases are all similarly succinct and expressive.

Which is to say, the "because-noun" form is limited only to the confines of your own imagination. It can be anything you want it to be. So we get comments like these, with people using "because" not just to explain, but also to criticize, and sensationalize, and ironize.

And the this is what Sean Carrol Said:

So how did people start using "because" like this? Unclear. There are certainly connections to memes, as in 2001's elegantly straightforward "Because fuck you," and 2011's "because race car." The construction could also be, as the linguist Neal Whitman speculates, a shortened version of "because, hey, [noun]"—as in, NSF cancels new political science grants, because, hey, politics—with people dropping the "hey" while keeping the rest of the construction intact. (In this case, hey functions "like an adaptor, letting you shift from the ordinary speech register to this casual and condensed register.") There could also be echoes, Carey points out, of parent-child exchanges (kid: Why? Parent: Because). A comment on the blog Language Log also mentions the intriguing, though likely unrelated, fact that in Spanish, "because" (porque) and "why" (¿por qué?) are close to synonymous.  
However it originated, though, the usage of "because-noun" (and of "because-adjective" and "because-gerund") is one of those distinctly of-the-Internet, by-the-Internet movements of language. It conveys focus (linguist Gretchen McCulloch: "It means something like 'I'm so busy being totally absorbed by X that I don’t need to explain further, and you should know about this because it's a completely valid incredibly important thing to be doing'"). It conveys brevity (Carey: "It has a snappy, jocular feel, with a syntactic jolt that allows long explanations to be forgone").
But it also conveys a certain universality. When I say, for example, "The talks broke down because politics," I'm not just describing a circumstance. I'm also describing a category. I'm making grand and yet ironized claims, announcing a situation and commenting on that situation at the same time. I'm offering an explanation and rolling my eyes—and I'm able to do it with one little word. Because variety. Because Internet. Because language. 

Avril Lavigne - Innocent Lirik dan Terjemahan

Avril Lavigne - Innocent the english camp

Waking up I see that everything is okay 
Saat terjaga, kulihat segalanya baik-baik saja
The first time in my life and now it's so great 
Pertama kalinya dalam hidupku dan ini sungguh luar biasa
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed 
Perlahan kulihat sekeliling dan aku sangat takjub
I think about the little things that make life great 
Kuberpikir tentang hal-hal kecil yang membuat hidupmenjadi luar biasa

I wouldn't change a thing about it 
Takkan kuubah sedikitpun
This is the best feeling 
Ini perasaan yang terbaik

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay 
Ketulusan ini sungguh dahsyat, kuharap itu kan selalu ada
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now 
Saat ini begitu sempurna, tolong jangan berlalu, aku membutuhkanmu
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by 
Dan akan kupertahankan, jangan kau biarkan hal ituberlalu

I found a place so safe, not a single tear 
Kutemukan tempat yang begitu damai, tanpa air mata
The first time in my life and now it's so clear 
Pertama kalinya dalam hidupku dan kini begitu jelas
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here 
Kurasakan kedamaian, aku begitu bahagia di sini
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere 
Perasaan ini begitu kuat dan kini kubiarkan diriku jujur

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming 
Ini rasa bahagia yang sedang kau impikan
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling 
Kebahagiaan dalam hati yang kau rasakan
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry 
Begitu indah hingga kau ingin menangis (2x)

This innocence is brilliant 
Ketulusan ini sungguh dahsyat
(It makes you want to cry) 
(Membuatmu ingin menangis)
This innocence is brilliant 
Ketulusan ini sungguh dahsyat
Please don't go away 
Kumohon jangan berlalu
Cause I need you now and I'll hold on to it 
Karna aku membutuhkanmu dan akan kupertahankan
Don't you let it pass you by 
Jangan kau biarkan ia meninggalkanmu
(It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry) 
(Begitu indah hingga kau ingin menangis)

Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song Lirik dan Terjemahan

Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song the english camp

Today I don't feel like doing anything
Hari ini aku tak ingin melakukan apapun
I just wanna lay in my bed
Aku hanya ingin berbaring di tempat tidurku
Don't feel like picking up my phone
Tak ingin mengangkat telepon
So leave a message at the tone
Maka tinggalkanlah pesan setelah terdengar nada
Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Karna hari ini aku bertekad  tak akan melakukan apapun

Uh, I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan
Uh, aku akan tiduran sambil menatap kipas angin
Turn the TV on
Menyalakan TV
Throw my hand in my pants
meletakkan tangan ku didalam celana
Nobody's gonna tell me I can't, nah
Takkan ada yang dapat mengatakan aku tak bisa, nah

I'll be lying on the couch just chillin in my snuggie
Aku akan berbaring di sofa dan berselimut
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
Sambil menonton MTV agar mereka bisa mengajariku menari dougie
Cause in my castle I'm the freakin man
Karna di istanaku aku ini orang aneh

Oh Oh, yes I said it
Oh oh, ya kan sudah kukatakan
I said it
kan sudah kukatakan
I said it cause I can
Aku mengatakannya  karna aku bisa

Nothing at all
Tidak melakukan apapun sama sekali
Ooh hoo ooh hoo
Hoo ooh ooh
Nothing at all
Tidak melakukan apapun sama sekali
Ooh hoo ooh hoo
Hoo ooh ooh

Tomorrow I wake up, do some P90X
Esok aku bangun, berlatih dengan p90X
With a really nice girl have some really nice sex
Bercinta dengan gadis yang sangat cantik dan hebat 
And she's gonna scream out, "this is great" (Oh my god this is great)
Dan dia akan menjerit, "luar biasa" (Oh tuhan ini luar biasa)

I might mess around and get my college degree
Aku mungkin berusah payah dan mendapat gelar sarjana
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
Aku bertaruh orang tuaku pasti akan sangat bangga padaku
I'm sorry pops you just have to wait
Maaf Ayah kau harus menunggu

No I ain't gonna comb my hair
Tidak aku takkan menyisir rambutku
Cause I ain't going anywhere
Karna aku takkan pergi ke manapun
No no no no no no no no nooo
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
Aku hanya akan memakai pakain  ulang tahunku
And let everything hang loose
Dan membiarkan segalanya santai
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhh

Nothing at all
Tidak melakukan apapun sama sekali

K’Naan – Waving Flag Lirik dan Terjemahan

K’Naan – Waving Flag coca cola

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali
And then it goes back, oh
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, oh

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
Lahir sebagai pewaris tahta, lebih kuat dari Roma
A violent prone, poor people zone
Kekerasan memuncak, orang miskin membludak
But it's my home, all I have known
Namun inilah rumahku, satu-satunya yang kutahu
Where I got grown, streets we would roam
Saat aku dewasa, kita kan kuasai jalanan

Out of the darkness, I came the farthest
Keluar dari kegelapan, aku sampai di tempat terjauh
Among the hardest survival
Di antara hidup tersulit
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak
Belajar dari jalanan ini, (hasilnya) bisa jadi suram
Accept no defeat, surrender, retreat
Pantang kalah, menyerah, mundur

So we struggling, fighting to eat
Maka kami berjuang, berkelahi untuk makan
And we wondering when we'll be free
Dan kami bertanya-tanya kapan kami akan bebas
So we patiently wait for that fateful day
Maka dengan sabar kami tunggu hari itu
It's not far away, but for now we say
Tidak lama lagi, namun untuk saat ini kami diam saja

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali
And then it goes back, oh
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, oh

So many wars, settling scores
Begitu banyak perang, memberi hasil
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor
Memberi janji-janji, tetap saja kami miskin
I heard them say 'love is the way'
Kudengar mereka berkata "cinta adalah jalannya"
'Love is the answer,' that's what they say
"Cinta adalah jawabannya," begitu kata mereka

But look how they treat us, make us believers
Tapi lihatlah bagaimana perlakuan mereka pada kami, membuat kami percaya
We fight their battles, then they deceive us
Kami berperang untuk mereka, kemudian mereka menipu kami
Try to control us, they couldn't hold us
Berusaha mengendalikan kami, mereka tak mampu menguasai kami
'Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers
Karna kami terus melangkah seperti tentara kerbau

So we struggling, fighting to eat
Maka kami berjuang, berkelahi untuk makan
And we wondering when we'll be free
Dan kami bertanya-tanya kapan kami akan bebas
So we patiently wait for that fateful day
Maka dengan sabar kami tunggu hari itu
It's not far away, but for now we say
Tidak lama lagi, namun untuk saat ini kami diam saja

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali
And then it goes back, oh
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, oh

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali
And then it goes back, oh
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, oh

And everybody will be singing it
Dan semua orang akan menyanyikannya
And you and I will be singing it
Dan kau dan aku akan menyanyikannya
And we all will be singing it
Dan kita semua akan menyanyikannya

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali, Dan kemudian (sang bendera) kembali

When I get older I will be stronger
Saat aku beranjak dewasa, aku akan semakin tangguh
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
Mereka akan menyebutku merdeka, seperti bendera yang berkibar
Just like a wavin' flag, just like a wavin' flag
Seperti bendera yang berkibar, seperti bendera yang berkibar
Flag, flag, just like a wavin' flag
Bendera, bendera, seperti bendera yang berkibar

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Let's Discover Gold

Let's Discover Gold cover

Many valuable things can be found in the earth's crust. There are precious stones and metals. one of the metals is gold.

Gold is rare. it is often found in very small flakes. it can also be found in lumps called nuggets. The biggest nugget ever found weighet more than 125 pounds (about 57 kg). That's as much as about two second-graders!

The biggest collection of gold in the world is stored  at the bank of New York. The gold there is owned by many different countries. the bank of New York is very safe place to keep gold. it is worth billions dollars.

Around 6.000 years ago, the ancient Egyptian learned how to mine and use gold. They separated the gold from the rock found in the hills by the Red Sea.
egyptian gold

Gold became very important to Egyptians. They usedit to make art and jewelry. Many ancient gold objects have found in the famous pyramids in Egypt.

Gold can last a long time. It never rusts or rots. Beautiful gold objects are sometimes found in the ground or in the sea thousands of years after they were buried. When the objects are discovered, they are still perfect.
gold under the sea

Gold is easy to work with. It is a soft metal, so it can easily be made into different shapes. it can be bent or rolled or twisted without breaking.
A small piece of gold can be beaten into large sheet or pulled into a long wire. It can be made harder by mixing it with other metals.
shaping gold

Gold can be used for all kinds of things. Sometimes gold is used in making clotch. It is common to use gold in electronic equipment, such as computers and telephones.

Gold is even used in space. Helmet visors are coated with gold to protect astronout's eyes from the bright sun.

Sometimes gold is found in streams and rivers. People sort gold flakes from the gravel at the bottom of streams using special pans.
pan gold

In the late 1840s, many people rushed to California to look for gold. A man called James W. Marshall found a gold nugget that had settled under the gravel river. When the news got around, people came from all over the world. They thought they would find gold.
1840's on California

Today there are huge machines that can dig gold out of rock. The machines crush the rocks, the gold is romeved.
Most of the world's gold is found in South Africa. There are many big gold mines there.

People love gold jewelry and other things made of gold, it is often called "golden". Now you know why!

Michael Jordan - No Quitter

Michael Jordan cover
Michael Jordan No Quitter

Michael Jordan is six feet six inches (almost two meters) tall. He can fly through the air to make a basket. Many people think he’s the best basketball player that ever lived.

Michael was born in 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. A short time later his family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina.At first, Michael was interested in playing baseball. He was also interested in football and basketball.

When he played basketball with his brother, Larry, Michael would always lose. This didn’t make Michael give up. It made him want to win even more.

Michael made up his mind to learn new basketball moves. He practiced for hours. He caught the ball again and again.

Michael Jordan’s mother and father both worked hard. Michael did, too. He knew that if he worked hard, good things would happen. Michael always wanted to be the best. He wanted to hear the people cheer when he was scoring points for his team.

Michael tried out for his high school basketball team in ninth grade. He didn’t get picked. This made Michael try even harder. He practiced every day. He grew taller. Soon he made the team.

Then Michael became a star player at the University of North Carolina.He helped his team win an important game. It was the beginning of his famous career.
Michael Jordan plays basketball

Michael went on to play for the Chicago Bulls. In his first season with the team, he was named “Rookie of the Year.” This meant he was the best new player.

He led his team to win many games. Michael was named the Most Valuable Player in basketball five times.

Michael left basketball twice during his career. Once it was to play baseball and once to spend time with his family. However, he went back to basketball each time.

Michael Jordan plays baseball
Michael Jordan was famous for leaping high and shooting the ball straight into the basket. It earned him the nickname “Air Jordan.”

Many people look up to Michael Jordan because he has a will to succeed. No matter what has stood in his way, he has never given up. Today, he still thinks this way in his everyday life as a dad and in his work.

Michael Jordan No Quitter

How The Tortoise Got Its Shell

tortoise cover
Long ago, Forest gave each animal its own home —each animal, that is, except for Tortoise. He was forgotten.

Lizard was given a home between the rocks. On hot days, Lizard could be seen scampering up on the rocks to lie in the warm sun.Crab’s home was in a hole in the sand, under a coconut palm. The hole was cool and dark inside. It was the perfect home for Crab.

Snake was given a home beneath the fallen leaves of the forest. The leaves sheltered him from storms and hid him from other animals.

Owl’s home was a hole in a majestic, old tree. The hole was dark and cozy. It kept Owl hidden until night when he would come out to hunt.  

The animals thanked Forest for their homes. They were all happy, except for Tortoise. One night, a terrible storm came. The rain fell heavily, and Tortoise needed to find a home to stay warm and dry.  

Tortoise saw a hole in some rocks and tried to squeeze into it, but the rocks wouldn’t budge. Suddenly, Lizard peered out of the rocks. “Sorry, Tortoise, my house is too small for you.”

Then Tortoise tried to crawl under some fallen leaves. “I’m under here!” said Snake. Tortoise walked toward a hole under a coconut palm, but he found Crab already there.

Then Tortoise saw a large tree. He crawled along a branch toward a hole, but Owl hooted at him to go away.Tortoise could not find a home. He began to think that he would have to spend the entire storm out in the rain. Then he made a discovery. He saw a broken coconut shell lying on the ground.

Tortoise crawled under the coconut shell. It was just big enough to cover him if he tucked in his legs and pulled in his neck. At last, Tortoise was warm and dry.

The great storm raged all night, but in the morning, when Forest looked out, the rain had gone. There was Tortoise coming out from under his shell. Suddenly, Forest remembered that he had not given Tortoise a home of his own.

“Tortoise!” said Forest. Tortoise looked up at Forest in surprise.“I forgot to give you a home,” said Forest. “I am very sorry. I see you have found a wonderful home. This shell will always remain upon your back. You will never have to search for a home again. Your home will always be with you.”

Today, all tortoises carry the weight of their shells upon their backs. If you look closely, you will see that each shell looks like half of a dry, broken coconut.
tortoise's shell

Who Is Dr. Seuss?

Who Is Dr. Seuss? cover

At school, Ted loved to write. He would write things to go in the school paper. He started to put his middle name, “Seuss,” on his work.
Dr. Seuss Drawing

Ted went to college in England to become a teacher. He would often include drawings on his papers. Another student saw his drawings. She thought he should become an
artist instead of a teacher. Her name was Helen Palmer.

One time, Dr. Seuss took a vacation on a ship. He noticed the rhythm of the ship’s engine. The rhythm gave him the idea for the story "And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street." It became his first published book in 1937.

Dr. Seuss had a very good imagination. One of the books he wrote was called On Beyond Zebra. It was a story about letters in the alphabet that come beyond the letter z. Some of the letters are yuzz and snee.

Seuss won some very grand literature awards for his books. One of these was the Pulitzer Prize. It was given to him for the education and enjoyment his books gave to children and their parents. He also won awards for his movies and cartoons.

The cat in the hat

Coyote And Rabbit

 Coyote And Rabbit the tale from southwest
 Coyote had many troubles with Rabbit because Rabbit always got the better of him. Coyote was swift, but Rabbit seemed just a bit swifter. Coyote was clever, but Rabbit was more clever. Coyote was stronger, but Rabbit’s many cousins always came to his aid.  The more Coyote thought about Rabbit, the angrier he became. 
“He makes a fool of me,” Coyote thought. Coyote decided then and there to get the best of Rabbit once and for all.

The next morning, as Coyote trotted along, he heard voices and stopped in his tracks. Hawk and Crow were chatting in the jack pines.
“What an incredible storm last night!” exclaimed Crow.
“Yes, lightning struck an enormous rock on the canyon rim,” Hawk continued. 
“The rock fell into the canyon. You know the opening at the end?”
“Where the stream   ows when there is a big rain?” asked Crow.

“Yes, that’s the place. It is blocked now,” said Hawk.”The rock fell to the bottom, so the opening is closed. It’s a box canyon now, so there is only one way out for those without wings.”
Suddenly, Hawk turned and said to Coyote, “You need not hide yourself, Coyote, because I’ve seen you all along.”

Coyote was very excited about what he had overheard. He had once chased Rabbit up that canyon, but then Rabbit had made a leap sideways, and he had disappeared through a hole too small for Coyote to get through. Now Coyote could try this again, and this time the small hole would be gone.
The very next day, Coyote leaped from behind a rock as Rabbit tore into the canyon. “Rabbit thinks he will fool me, but this time it will be he who is the fool,” thought Coyote smugly.

Coyote’s plan worked because when Rabbit ran into the canyon, he did not know the way was blocked. When he came to the place where he had leaped sideways before, there was no way out.
Rabbit looked this way and that, and he saw that there was no longer an escape, but still he sat calmly. “I must praise you, Coyote, because it seems you have been smarter than I,” said Rabbit. This remark pleased vain Coyote because he liked to think of himself as wise.

“I have an offer for you,” said Rabbit. “It is true that you planned well, yet it was not you who put this rock into my path.”
Coyote did not like this thought although he knew it was true.
“Today you will eat by luck, not by your own wisdom. I would like to make you an offer you would be foolish to refuse. If you spare me today, I will teach you our tricks, and then you will be able to catch rabbits whenever you want.”

“Why should I let you go?” snickered Coyote.
“Well, you can feed yourself today, or you can learn how to eat well every day,” replied Rabbit. 
“You will trick me, and you will surely   ee,” said unsure Coyote.
“No, I will not,” Rabbit promised, “and I will show you how we trick you and get away.”
“How can I trust someone who has fooled me so many times before?” asked Coyote.
“Rabbit always keeps his word,” said Rabbit.
“I accept your offer, so teach me what I must know,” decided Coyote.

Rabbit showed Coyote how he could hide in the brush, but Coyote already knew this. Rabbit showed Coyote how he often ran in circles, but Coyote knew this, too. Rabbit showed him how he stopped so quickly that Coyote would just run right past him.
“I have seen these things many times, so show me a trick I don’t know,” demanded Coyote.
“My best trick is a quick step to the side,” said Rabbit. “Try it.”
Coyote tried it several times, but could not do it like Rabbit. 

“I think the problem is that your eyes are in the wrong place,” declared Rabbit.
“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with my eyes,” said Coyote.
“Not for a Coyote, perhaps,” said Rabbit. 
“I am a rabbit, so my eyes are on the sides of my head, and I see well to the side. Your eyes are in the front of your head, so you cannot see to the side.”

“Try turning your head to the side and keeping it there,” suggested Rabbit. “Then you will be able to see to jump to the side.” 
“It’s really not very easy,” said Coyote.
“Let’s practice it a few times,” coaxed Rabbit.
Coyote turned his head and tried jumping to the side several times slowly.
“There’s not enough space to practice here. Let’s get out of the canyon,” suggested Rabbit. 
They climbed out of the canyon and onto the rim.

Coyote and Rabbit practiced. Rabbit jumped sideways, and Coyote jumped with him. Coyote did not like holding his head to the side because he could not see where he was going. Still, he wanted to be able to catch Rabbit at any time.
“Let’s try it once more as fast as we can,” said Rabbit.
They moved along the edge of the canyon rim. Rabbit ran very fast. Coyote ran after him even faster.
“Get ready!” hollered Rabbit. This time Rabbit did not jump sideways but stopped short. 
Coyote, who was looking to the side, did not see him. He tripped over Rabbit, fell over the edge of the canyon, and took a long, long fall.

Rabbit peeked over the edge of the canyon. Coyote was lying at the bottom. “You have trickedme again!” shouted Coyote.
“I have kept my word andshowed you my tricks,” repliedRabbit. “There was just one more, and now you have seen it.” Rabbit laughed and ran away.
“Yes, I guess I have,” said Coyote.
Coyote still chases Rabbit to this day. When he does, he always holds his head to the front. You may see him move his head quickly from side to side, but he will not leave it there. He is looking forward to a day when he will catch clever Rabbit.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Women Inventors

Women Inventors cover

Inventors and their inventions can be very fascinating! Inventors will often tinker with their inventions until they are perfect. In this book, we will fi nd out about some amazing women inventors.
Women have been inventing things since long ago. Consider, for example, the work of Hypatia. Hypatia was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in the year 370. She invented the astrolabe, a tool used to measure the positions of the sun and stars.


Obviously, many women have invented things since then. Sybilla Masters, for example, was an American colonist. She lived in the early 1700s and invented a way for corn to be cleaned so that it could easily be used for food. She is considered to be the first American woman inventor.
The patent for Sybilla’s invention was given in 1715. A patent means you own the rights to your invention. If you have a patent, no one else can make that invention without your permission. Laws back then did not allow women to own patents, so the patent was issued in Sybilla’s husband’s name. In later years, women inventors would break through these barriers.

Sybilla Master

The next time you’re riding safely in a car on a rainy or snowy night, you can thank Mary Anderson. She invented the windshield wiper in the early 1900s. Amazingly enough, cars weren’t even being made at that time!

Windshield Wiper

Back then, some cities had streetcars. Streetcars were vehicles that rolled through the streets on metal rails. One snowy day, while visiting New York City, Mary took a ride on a streetcar. Snow piled up on the windshield. The driver stuck his head out the window so that he could see where he was going. At that moment, Mary got her idea!

Mary started to work. She soon came up with a “swinging arm.” It was made of rubber. The rubber blade would move across the windshield. It would wipe away the snow or rain. The driver of the vehicle would work the blade with a lever. In time, Mary perfected the invention, and it worked!
Mary received the patent for the windshield wiper in 1903. By 1916, all American automobiles had Mary’s windshield wipers. Think about all of the cars and trucks on the roads today. There are millions of them all over the world. Almost all of them have Mary Anderson’s invention!

Okay, so you don’t drive a car. You’re not really thankful for windshield wipers yet. Well, here’s something that you may have used: liquid correction fluid. That’s that white liquid you use to “paint over” any mistakes you make while writing or drawing.
Liquid Correction Fluid
As you may have already guessed, a woman invented it. Her name was Bette Nesmith Graham. Oddly enough, she wasn’t even an inventor. She was an office worker. In the years before computers were invented, many things were written using a typewriter. Liquid correction fluid was born because of problems Bette had with a typewriter.
You see, if you spelled a word wrong with a typewriter, it was difficult to correct. You had to use an eraser or, later, a special ribbon to try to erase the word. This usually didn’t work very well.
Bette liked to paint. When she made mistakes painting, she just painted over them. She decided to try the same thing with her typing mistakes. She mixed up some white paint and other materials in her blender at home. When she made a mistake typing, she just painted over it with the mixture. It worked!

Bette Paints to cover Mistakes

Soon other workers were using Bette’s liquid. In time, she got a patent for the liquid. She started to sell it. Today her liquid correction fluid is used all around the world!

When you trample the carpet with your muddy shoes, your family members probably wish they had some liquid correction fluid to paint over the big mess. Well, if the carpet is protected with Patsy Sherman’s product, your family members won’t need to worry too much. That’s because Patsy invented a special coating. It helps to keep things like carpet clean.


Patsy was working in a laboratory in 1952. She was trying to make a special kind of liquid rubber to be used in airplanes. While working, Patsy accidentally spilled some of the rubber. It landed on a coworker’s shoe.
Patsy tried to clean the rubber off the shoe. It wouldn’t come off. When she put water on it, the water just rolled right off the shoe. The water wouldn’t soak into the rubber or the shoe. She tried cleaners, but those rolled off, too.

Patsy Invention - Special Liquid

Patsy realized this stuff she had made was special. For three years, she worked on the strange liquid rubber. Finally, by 1955, she had made the rubber into a spray that worked just right. When you spray the product onto a carpet, for example, it forms a “shield.” The shield stops water and dirt from getting into the carpet and staining it. The carpet stays clean.
Today, Patsy’s product is used on floors, carpets, clothing, and curtains. It’s even used on photographs to protect them!

What if you had problems with your eyes? You’d probably wish for someone to invent a way for you to see better. Well, that’s exactly what a woman inventor named Dr. Patricia Bath did. Patricia grew up in Harlem, a neighborhood in New York City. While studying to be a doctor, Patricia spent time at a hospital in Harlem. She saw that many of the people at the hospital had problems with their eyes. Patricia wanted to help them. She began to study eyes and how they work.
Patricia hoped to find a quicker and easier way to operate on eyes. Her quest began in 1981. She began working with lasers. Lasers are thin, powerful beams of light. Patricia forged ahead. By 1986, she had perfected a laser machine for eye operations. She used it to operate on the eyes of many people. She helped them to see well again!

the use of laser for eyes

Today, Patricia’s machine is still used. Patricia once said, “The ability to restore vision is the
ultimate reward.”

One of the strangest things ever invented by a woman is a self-cleaning house. That’s right, it’s a house that cleans itself! That means no more dusting or vacuuming. The house does the work for you!
This is no hoax. A house like this actually exists in Newberg, Oregon. A woman named Frances Gabe invented it because she just hated housework!

Self cleaning house

Each room of the house has a cleaner on the ceiling. The cleaner sprays soapy water into the room, then rinses and dries it. It’s like having an automatic car wash in each room of your house. All Frances has to do is push a button, and the rooms get cleaned. Since the furniture is covered with plastic and all the decorations are in glass cases, it does not matter whether they get wet!
Frances’s house has other interesting features. Her clothes closet is a washer and dryer. Her kitchen cabinet is a dishwasher. She puts dirty clothes or dishes away, pushes a button, and soon the items are clean—and put away! Now that is some awesome invention!




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