Thursday, October 3, 2013

Narrative Text

Narrative Text/Teks Narrative adalah teks yang berisi tentang cerita hayalan, dongeng, ataupun kisah nyata yang telah di beri “bumbu”. Dalam narrative text, biasanya terdapat nilai moral (Moral Value) yang bisa dipetik di akhir cerita. Contoh narrative text bisa berupa:

Short story (cerpen)

Adventures (kisah petualangan)

Mystery (cerita horor)

Science Fiction (sains fiksi)

Fantasy (cerita khalayan)

Myths (mitos)

Legends (legenda)

Folktale/folklore (cerita rakyat)

Fairy Tales (dongeng)

Fables (cerita hewan), etc.

The purposes of Narrative Text are To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or problems which in turn to finds a resolution/solution.

Tujuan utama dari Narrative text adalah untuk MENGHIBUR pembaca.

Umumnya, Generic Structure Narrative Text ada 3 yaitu:

Orientation: berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat, dan waktu. Orientation berada di awal cerita.

Complication: sebuah masalah yang diangkat yang diikuti oleh masalah-masalah lain. Complication berada di pertengahan cerita.

Resolution: solusi/pemecahan dari masalah. Solusi berada di akhir cerita.

Other Generic Structure of Narrative text :
Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants, place and time.
Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
Complication : is the time when crisis arises.
Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.
Re-orientation : optional.

Lexical grammatical Features : Using Past tense ; simple past, past perfect tense, past continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense.
Frequent use of conjunctions of time (temporal conjunction), for example: once upon a time, one day, long time ago, etc

Example of Narrative text

Fable: The Lion And The Mouse

theenglishcamp.blogspot.comOnce upon a time in the Jungle, A Lion was sleeping peacefully when he was woken by something running up and down his back and over his face.
Pretending to be still asleep, the Lion slowly opened his one eye and saw that it was a little mouse.
With lightening speed the Lion reached out and caught the little mouse in one of his large paws. He dangled it by its tail and roared, “I’m the King of Beasts! You’ll pay with your life for showing me such disrespect.”
The Lion held the little mouse over his huge and opened his jaws and prepared to swallow it.
“Please, please don’t eat me, Mr King of Beasts,” squeaked the mouse. “If you forgive me this time and let me go I’ll never, never forget it, may be I have good turn in the future to repay your kindness,” it squeaked again.
“You, do me a favour!” roared the Lion with laughter. “That is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.” Still laughing, the Lion put the mouse down on the ground and said; “You’ve made me laugh so much I can’t eat you now. Go on, off you go before I change my mind.” The little mouse scurried away as fast as its little legs could go.

Not long after this the Lion was caught in a trap by some hunters. They tied him to a tree with rope while they went to get their wagon. The little mouse was nearby and came when he heard the mighty Lion’s roar for help.
The mouse gnawed the rope with his sharp teeth and set the Lion free.
“I know you didn’t believe me, but I told you I could help you one day,” squeaked the little mouse. “Even a little mouse like me can help some one as big and strong as you.”
“Thank you my little friend. I won’t forget that lesson,” said the Lion as he ran away before the hunters returned.
The End

What is the moral value of this story?
Little friends may prove to be great friends.
Good things come in small packages.
If you doing a goodness, no matter how small is it, You will got a goodness too.

Orientation: Once upon a time in the Jungle, A Lion was sleeping peacefully when he was woken by something running up and down his back and over his face. Pretending to be still asleep, the Lion slowly opened one eye and saw that it was a little mouse.

Complication: Not long after this the Lion was caught in a trap by some hunters. They tied him to a tree with rope while they went to get their wagon.

Resolution: The little mouse was nearby and came when he heard the mighty Lion’s roar for help. The mouse gnawed the rope with his sharp teeth and set the Lion free.

Past tense Verbs (V II) that used In this fable (The Lion And The Mouse:

Woken – Wake : terbangun

Reached – Reach : menjangkau

Dangled – Dangle : mengayun-ayunkan

Roared – Roar : mengaum

Held – Hold : menahan

Opened – Open : membuka

Saw – See : melihat

Returned – Return : kembali

Prepared – Prepare : berssiap

Squeaked - Squeak

Said – Say : berkata

Scurried – Scurry : berjalan cepat

Tied – Tie: mengikat

Went – Go : pergi

Came – Come : mendatangi

Gnawed – Gnaw : mengigit/menggerogoti

Told – Tell : menceritakan/memberitahukan

cought – Catch : Menangkap

Could – Can : bisa/dapat