Thursday, October 31, 2013

Active Voice and Passive Voice

Active Voice and Passive Voice

Active And Passive Voice

In this time, I will share about Active Voice and Passive Voice. In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a do-er. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is not a do-er. It is shown with by + do-er or is not shown in the sentence.
Passive voice is used when the action is the focus, not the subject. It is not important (or not known) who does the action.

- The door  is broken. (It is not known who broke the door, or it is not important to know who broke the door.)

- The class has been canceled. (The focus is on the class being canceled. It is not important to know who canceled it.)

Passive voice should be avoided when you want more clarity in writing. However, in some cases, you need to use passive voice to stress the action, not the actor. Also, passive voice can be considered more polite, as it sounds less aggressive or dramatic.

- That building was built in 1867.

-The car was invented about a hundred years ago.

- I was told that Sam moved to a different country.

-Your business is appreciated.

-She was elected to city council.

You can easily rewrite an active sentence to a passive sentence. The object in the active sentence becomes a subject in the passive sentence. The verb is changed to a “be” verb + past participle. The subject of the active sentence follows by or is omitted.

- Sam wrote a letter to Jamie.

- A letter was written to Jamie by Sam.

- My mother cleans my room

- My room is cleaned by my mother

- Sam will ride my bike

- My bike will be ridden by Sam

- John  will  wash my cars

- My cars will be washed by John

- The government built a new bridge.

- A new bridge was built by the government.

(Present tense)

Form: to be (am, is, are ) + 3 rd form

Example: My room is cleaned by my mother

(Past tense)

Form: to be (was, were ) + 3 rd form

Example: My room was cleaned by my mother

(Present Perfect tense)

Form: to be (has been, have been) ) + 3 rd form

Example: My room has been cleaned by my mother

(Past Perfect tense)

Form: to be (had been) + 3 rd form

Example: My room had been cleaned by my mother

(Future tense)

Will + be + 3 rd form

Example: My bike will be ridden by Sam

( Progressive tenses)

to be (am, is, are, was, were ) + being + 3 rd form

Example: My bike is being ridden by Sam


Form:    Modal verb + be + 3 rd form



They should clean their rooms


Their rooms should be cleaned  by them


Form:   MODAL VERB +have been + 3 rd form



My mother should have cleaned my room


My room  should have been  cleaned by my mother

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